5 Things I wish I’d known about Dental School

Here’s a quick breakdown of 5 things I wish I’d known before starting dental school… How there’s no one right option A lot of the time the treatment plans for your patients may change, this may be due to changes … Continue reading 5 Things I wish I’d known about Dental School

MEDICAL/DENTAL Personal Statement

So September has began, soon enough if not already, the focus will all be on writing a striking personal statement. How to structure a dental/medical personal statement? This is the basic structure dental/medical admissions tutors like to follow: Introduction Work experience Any other dental related things/ hospitality roles/ volunteering Extra circular activities linked to the medical/dental attributes this has given you Summary I wouldn’t play too much with this structure, definitely start with intro followed by your work experience. You could swap 3 and 4 around but I found that structure makes your personal statement flow the best. What to … Continue reading MEDICAL/DENTAL Personal Statement


Some dental schools specify that you must have at least 2 weeks of work experience but at the end of the day it depends on how much you gain from your work experience. Observe members of the dental team attentively, be engaging and ask questions where appropriate. You will most likely be asked about your work experience at the interview stage, so make sure you can explain what you’ve learnt. By this I don’t mean tell them every- step taken to perform root canal treatment. They want someone who can reflect on their work experience and explain concepts of teamwork … Continue reading DENTISTRY WORK EXPERIENCE