Anatomical- Tongue

This post covers the weird and wonderful organ that is the tongue, in anatomy you if you hear the term ‘glottis’ it’s in reference to the tongue. The tongue’s unique structure allows it to perform a variety of physiological tasks: … Continue reading Anatomical- Tongue

First Term

The first term has been pretty intense. There is a massive transition between sixth form and uni and it does take a little getting used to. The work load is intensified and there’s a lot more responsibility. You’re having to do your own shopping/ cooking/ laundry whilst trying to make friends/ join societies and have a social life. It’s a lot to balance, and sometimes one aspect of your life can weigh you down significantly (most often it’s the work). I’m looking forward to the next term and what’s in store, the first term went so quickly, it’s unbelievable. The … Continue reading First Term